For inquiries please contact:


General Contact

BASF Digital Solutions GmbH

Glasuritstraße 1

48165 Münster

Postfach 6123

48136 Münster


Telefon +49 2501 14 3162

Telefax +49 2501 14 2099



Matthias Steinhoff

Product Owner for API-Management

Send email


Authorized to represent:

Lars Rosendahl

Stefan Beck

Petra Scheithe


Chairman of the Supervisory Board:

Christoph Wegner


BASF Digital Solutions GmbH

Handelsregister Amtsgericht Ludwigshafen

Registration number: HRB 3541

Tax identification number: DE811469378


This server is hosted by:


BASF Digital Solutions GmbH

Information Processing and Network Services

Pfalzgrafenstr. 1, D-67061 Ludwigshafen